With all the confusion regarding viruses, and whether they’re real or not, shouldn’t we be able to make sense of this? It’s been 5 years since this debauchle began, and there are plenty of smart folks in the world.
Can we distill it down to where we’re at in this stage of the game?
What is actually causing all this damage? What is the ‘mechanism of harm’ that these injections have employed?
It’s easy to take sides and ignore vital information, when many answers seemingly lie in the middle ‘gray’ space.
The ‘viruses aren’t real’ viewpoint logically posits that they cannot be real since they cannot be isolated, and their supposed method of spread cannot be replicated in a lab setting.
However on the ‘viruses are real’ side, it seems that regardless what their mechanism of transmission is, the impact that these ‘things’ have on our bodies, at the cellular level, can be understood and demonstrated in a lab setting…
Maybe it’s time to take a step back and review what we do know, and where our competing theories intersect and actually meet.
I’ve been following Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s work as of late, and was having a hard time coming to terms with how a virulent new strain of the ‘virus’ is looming on the horizon, since ‘viruses aren’t real’.
But I’ve found a new and interesting stream of information from Dr. Kevin Stillwagon, and his response to whether viruses exist:
“They do. Big pharma makes them and spreads them by injection.”
And his most recent Substack post, titled ‘Clear and Present Danger’, drives home a powerful message:
“But what are you doing to yourself with mRNA injections? You’re ignoring the epithelial barrier and forcing tissue cells INSIDE your body to make foreign proteins. Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8+) cells are going to destroy those cells. Some of these cells, like myocardial cells, don’t get repaired like your epithelial cells do. This is a clear and present danger. Stop doing this to yourself.”
The main take-way from this line of thought is that the Cytotoxic, or Killer’, T-cells are the causing the internal damage, from blood clots to heart attacks, and everything in between.
This sounds super ‘sciency’, but like anything else it can be understood if we try hard enough. Here is a breakdown of how the Cytotoxic T cells kill our other cells:
I came across this video when reading a recent post by Will Thomson, who seems to have a grasp on the mechanism of harm (‘killer’ T-cells destroying our infected cells), and appears to be attempting to spread the message far and wide with no such luck.
He shares his emails with other prominent figures in the ‘truth’ community and demonstrates that few folks truly understand exactly how these shots damage, and the will to understand this information appears patently weak.
His main frustration appears to be the lack of engagement around this root cause information, with most responses and posts, as well as the mainstream narrative, based on overly simplified and misdirected opinions.
In my short excursion into this information, the main take-away seems to be that the shots are bypassing our front-line defenses (‘epithelial barrier’), then (quoting ‘The clear and present danger’ again):
“the cells will start translating the mRNA into foreign proteins. As soon as that starts happening, the cells will start displaying parts of those proteins on their surfaces on Major Histocompatibility Complexes (MHC type I) specifically. Cytotoxic T-cells that have been trained to recognize foreign proteins will react to that by destroying those cells. This results in varying degrees of tissue damage and pathology, every single time.”
We all know the shots are wreaking non-stop internal havoc, and understanding what is needed to intelligently combat what lies ahead is crucial.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche’s thesis is that an upcoming phase of the ‘virus’ will cause those with injections extreme harm, and I’m trying to reconcile this.
It seems like the folks cited in this article have a firm understanding of the ‘mechanism of harm’, and that’s not something we’re getting from any mainstream sources.
Great work!
I love that you tube video about cytotoxic T cells, pretty colors and great sound effects.
You know about T cells!
Welcome to the T cell army!